Thursday, July 11, 2019

The most enjoyable subject.

organic chemistry laboratory:

i really like put into practice what one learns theoretically in class. the lab work is pretty entertaining, i always enjoyed all type of laboratories for example, laboratory of physics, chemistry, especially the latter. in the university is quite different the activity of laboratory because in the school never used dangerous chemicals but in the laboratories of the university one works with many acids dangerous.
so far I have had 3 laboratories at the university and the most entertaining is the organic chemistry laboratory because in this lab, one works alone and the teacher only solves doubts.
what i do in this lab is working witch different type of organic compound and produce chemical reactions, with which one produces different compound, the hardest of this subject is that one not have the all knowledge of the chemistry organic because, one have this lab at the same time that chemistry organic but as one progresses in the subject, one understands what one is doing in the lab.
the teacher and assistants who teach this subject are very good teaching and friendly so the labs are not difficult.


  1. I completely share your opinion about the work in the laboratories

  2. I agree with you! Organic chemistry laboratory it is very difficult for that reason!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. it's difficult but it's funny to do a lot of things in the lab !

  5. The work in the laboratory is very stressful for me
