Sunday, June 30, 2019

About love, pets and friendship

my first pet was a dog, an english cocker spaniel, that my mother found in the street he was without necklace and dirty, my mother tried to find her owners but she did not succeed, therefore she decided to adopt him.
his name was dofi, when he came to our house I was 4 years old, he was pretty naughty especially when there was a ball, whenever I played with the ball he took me it off and then take it to his corner, and I went to my mom so she could take it off.

he was always very eccentric, he never liked being inside the house, he loved to sunbathe at the door of the house and he just goes into the house to sleep and eat.
I remember once he followed me and my dad to the bus stop, and he got on the bus with us! We had to get off and return to the house so that he would not follow us.

he came to my life when i was very young so he spent a lot of time with me, unfortunately due to his age and an illness he told me goodbye when I was 16 years old.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

the stoy of my favorite photograph

i am not a person who like take or appreciate photographs, so i do not have a lot of these, but a photographs that i liked so much,  It is one I took when I went on a trip to Punta Arenas witch my family.on this trip we stayed where a relative, and one day I decided to go for a walk on my own, i had been told of a famous lookout which is called "mirador cerro la cruz", so i try to get there asking and seeing the map in the movil but I do not have good guidance so I got lost a few times before I could get there. i finally got there and what caught my attention was the signage that showed the distance from that point to different places in the world, really i liked this, because it motivates me to travel to different parts of the world. also the view from the lookout was amazing, without buildings bothering the view, finally in the return I lost again.

Thursday, June 6, 2019

My favourite book or film

I have never liked reading books so I do not know many, but I remember a summer where the trilogy of percy jacskon books were a good entertainment, especially for Greek mythology, that summer ended the trilogy of Percy Jackson and I look for other stories that they were based on mythology, so I found another trilogy of books "The Kane Chronicles" based on Egyptian mythology, really good trilogy.
but what I've always liked has been watching movies, I do not have a favorite type of movie but I've liked some science fiction like, interstellar and inception. I also think that Forrest Gump is a great movie, but it's sad that they never released another movie based on the second book.

although if I have to recommend a movie, the best I've seen could be "the fight club", I can not talk about it without saying a spoiler, but it's about a "common man" who is bored with his daily life and decides take a turn in it by forming a fight club with a complete stranger.

                                  "the first rule of fight club is you do not talk about fight club"