Thursday, July 25, 2019

Me blog experience

The time has come to say goodbye to the subject, therefore also the blogs of each week that accompanied us during this semester.
My experience with these blogs was fun, at the beginning of the course when I heard about them I didn't know very well what they were going to be but I didn't expect much from them.
It was interesting because of the different topics discussed in the blog one could know more about his classmates.
Some topics were not to my liking because I did not know how to start the post since I did not feel identified with the subject so it was difficult for me to be able to generate an idea for the post.
It would be interesting to leave a blog-post of free choice for each classmate to talk about what they like and know more about each other's tastes.
In addition, these post-blogs helped me a lot to improve my writing in English and realize that my shortcomings in my vocabulary.
I finally hope that for everyone it has been a pleasant experience as it was for me, and I liked to know a little more about each one of you!

Thursday, July 18, 2019


What is Schizophrenia?
Schizophrenia is a chronic and severe mental disorder that affects how a person thinks, feels, and behaves. People with schizophrenia may seem like they have lost touch with reality. Although schizophrenia is not as common as other mental disorders, the symptoms can be very disabling this mental disorder affects more than 21 million people worldwide.
what is the cause?
The causes of schizophrenia are not known, but it is thought that variation in multiple genes contributes to the risk of developing this mental illness, the brain chemistry and the development also contribute to the development of this mental illness.
Signs and symptoms of schizophrenia include false perceptions called hallucinations. Auditory hallucinations of voices are the most common hallucinations in schizophrenia

Are males or females more likely to get schizophrenia?
Schizophrenia affects men and women equally but men tend to experience symptoms earlier than women.
why i chose it?
I chose this mental disorder because I was struck me by the case of John Nash what was an american mathematician who was awarded witch the nobel prize in economic. i discovered this case for the famous movie "A Beautiful Mind" a beautiful movie that tells the life of this mathematician.
but he never let this mental illness get in the way of his investigations, whenever he was interned (because of his illness) and recover the sense of reality he returned to his investigations until he had a relapse in this mental illness.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

The most enjoyable subject.

organic chemistry laboratory:

i really like put into practice what one learns theoretically in class. the lab work is pretty entertaining, i always enjoyed all type of laboratories for example, laboratory of physics, chemistry, especially the latter. in the university is quite different the activity of laboratory because in the school never used dangerous chemicals but in the laboratories of the university one works with many acids dangerous.
so far I have had 3 laboratories at the university and the most entertaining is the organic chemistry laboratory because in this lab, one works alone and the teacher only solves doubts.
what i do in this lab is working witch different type of organic compound and produce chemical reactions, with which one produces different compound, the hardest of this subject is that one not have the all knowledge of the chemistry organic because, one have this lab at the same time that chemistry organic but as one progresses in the subject, one understands what one is doing in the lab.
the teacher and assistants who teach this subject are very good teaching and friendly so the labs are not difficult.

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Dmitri Mendeleyev and the periodic table

Dmitri Mendeleyev was born in Tobolsk, Russia, on February 8, 1834. was a chemist and inventor. Mendeleyev is best known for his discovery of the periodic law and for his formulation of the periodic table of elements. He died in St. Petersburg, Russia, on February 2, 1907.

As he began to teach inorganic chemistry, Mendeleev could not find a textbook that met his needs, so he set out to write one " The Principles of Chemistry, but the work most famous was the creation of the periodic table that is still used today. It was when he wrote his book that he discovered similarities in the progression of atomic weights, and wondered if other groups of elements exhibit similar properties.

what impresses me about him was that when presenting the periodic table he left empty boxes for elements that had not yet been discovered but he had foreseen his atomic weigth and properties. time after this was demonstrated by the chemical Lars Fredrik Nilson when he discovered a element that completed the empty boxes.

Sunday, June 30, 2019

About love, pets and friendship

my first pet was a dog, an english cocker spaniel, that my mother found in the street he was without necklace and dirty, my mother tried to find her owners but she did not succeed, therefore she decided to adopt him.
his name was dofi, when he came to our house I was 4 years old, he was pretty naughty especially when there was a ball, whenever I played with the ball he took me it off and then take it to his corner, and I went to my mom so she could take it off.

he was always very eccentric, he never liked being inside the house, he loved to sunbathe at the door of the house and he just goes into the house to sleep and eat.
I remember once he followed me and my dad to the bus stop, and he got on the bus with us! We had to get off and return to the house so that he would not follow us.

he came to my life when i was very young so he spent a lot of time with me, unfortunately due to his age and an illness he told me goodbye when I was 16 years old.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

the stoy of my favorite photograph

i am not a person who like take or appreciate photographs, so i do not have a lot of these, but a photographs that i liked so much,  It is one I took when I went on a trip to Punta Arenas witch my family.on this trip we stayed where a relative, and one day I decided to go for a walk on my own, i had been told of a famous lookout which is called "mirador cerro la cruz", so i try to get there asking and seeing the map in the movil but I do not have good guidance so I got lost a few times before I could get there. i finally got there and what caught my attention was the signage that showed the distance from that point to different places in the world, really i liked this, because it motivates me to travel to different parts of the world. also the view from the lookout was amazing, without buildings bothering the view, finally in the return I lost again.

Thursday, June 6, 2019

My favourite book or film

I have never liked reading books so I do not know many, but I remember a summer where the trilogy of percy jacskon books were a good entertainment, especially for Greek mythology, that summer ended the trilogy of Percy Jackson and I look for other stories that they were based on mythology, so I found another trilogy of books "The Kane Chronicles" based on Egyptian mythology, really good trilogy.
but what I've always liked has been watching movies, I do not have a favorite type of movie but I've liked some science fiction like, interstellar and inception. I also think that Forrest Gump is a great movie, but it's sad that they never released another movie based on the second book.

although if I have to recommend a movie, the best I've seen could be "the fight club", I can not talk about it without saying a spoiler, but it's about a "common man" who is bored with his daily life and decides take a turn in it by forming a fight club with a complete stranger.

                                  "the first rule of fight club is you do not talk about fight club" 

Thursday, May 30, 2019

my favourite piece of technology

I remember the first time i used a computer, this was when in my house was installed a computer center, i was still a little boy and i spend hours in that new piece of  technology, since then it became my favorite technology, i love playing video games in my free time or when i need to de-stress, stress caused by the university.
During university season i do not spend time in play video games in computer, but still i use a lot the computer for study.
in fact one summer i worked to buy a computer especially for play, but it had a tragic end, when it burned  when i was doing a task for the university and i loss all my progress.
my life without a computer would be pretty boring in mi free time and more difficult for the university because is a very good to investigate from home.

Friday, May 24, 2019

chosing my career

When I was in primary school I dreamed of other professions such as being a police officer, being part of the PDI, but when entering high school, developing a great taste for chemistry and mathematics so i decided to study a scientific career.

Finally, I prefer to study chemistry and pharmacy because I liked the approach that the career has in combining chemistry with the health of people. I am currently in my third semester of chemistry and pharmacy, so far is what I expected in terms of the contents of different signatures and I have met new friends what makes the university more fun.

In the future, when I finish my university studies I would like to work in public hospitals and be able to develop professionally in this area of health.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Getting to know each other

my name is leandro Diaz, i am from coquimbo (fourth region of Chile) and i am 20 years old. My family is made up of two brother, one sister, two nephews and my parents. my parents are from southern Chile but they met in coquimbo and they have been living there since then.

i studied in the school "los carrera" in coquimbo. when i was in the school i liked to see anime and played video games and i did not like study because i preferred sleep and play video games.

when i graduated from the school i studied 1 years engineering but i did not like and i preferred change from university and career. actually i study in the Universidad de chile the career pharmacy, and i live in santiago far from my family.

picture of cruz del tercer milenio, coquimbo